Mixed Effects Models with nlme
This post focuses on how to write a a random intercept, random slope and intercept, and nested mixed effects model in the nlme package.
Assistant Professor at California State University, Northridge
This post focuses on how to write a a random intercept, random slope and intercept, and nested mixed effects model in the nlme package.
This post focuses on how to write a simple linear model.
This post focuses on how to reorganize your data from a wide to a long format
This post focuses on how to write a simple for loop and an ifelse statement
This post focuses on how to calculate simple summary statistics
This post focuses on proper data structure and some basic plotting techniques.
This post focuses on how to start a project, manage a clean working directory, and properly set up a script.
This is an open lab notebook created by Dr. Nyssa Silbiger. Here, you will find posts based on weekly coding sessions. Each week I give a short lesson on a specific coding in R problem. All those lessons will be posted here. Also, I will be posting any coding roadblocks from all members of the group and (hopefully) their solutions.